Working towards better health for ALL in eastern Washington

Learn more about northeastern Washington’s Community Care Hub


About BHT

Healthcare is more than what happens at the doctor. We know from experience our community has unique needs that can’t be served by providing the same care and treatment plan to all without considering diverse lived experience, cultural, and language needs.  

That’s why we match folks with a care coordinator at one of our trusted partner organizations who can work with them step-by-step to find the right basic, medical, and cultural support for their unique needs, and is with them every step of the way.   

Over the past ten years, we’ve invested more than $90 million dollars into our health care and social determinant of health delivery systems across Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Lincoln, and Adams counties and the Reservations of the Kalispel Tribe of Indians, the Spokane Tribe of Indians, and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. We’re now working towards connecting services to community as eastern Washington’s Community Care Hub.

We help people connect to

November 11, 2024

We Stand with our Community

At BHT, we have been reflecting on the election results. We stand against hate, oppression, and racism. We stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with our community to ensure that everyone feels safe and a sense of belonging. Our community lies at the heart of what we do, especially those who have historically faced—and continue to face—the most significant health disparities.

Over the past week, we have taken some time as a Board and staff to pause, share our emotions, and reconnect with one another. We start this week with a steadfast commitment to do all we can to ensure that every person in our community has access to the resources they need to be healthy and safe.

BHT will build on our past actions and remain committed to serving those who experience the highest levels of health disparities. We will continue to be driven by data and the experience and knowledge of our partners who are closest to the work. We will double down on our efforts to mobilize, serve and heal together to create a more just community, a place where all of us feel like we belong. We know that some of you need a break. When you are ready, we will be here, recharged, focused, and fully committed to this journey, with clear minds, open hearts, and unwavering dedication.

At a recent Board meeting, we were reminded of Desmond Tutu’s words, which ground us in our shared humanity and commitment to the well-being of our community, “I am human because you are human. My humanity is caught up in yours. And if you are dehumanized, I am dehumanized.” Inspired by this truth we stand together to ensure every person feels safe, valued, and supported going forward.

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