Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)
/The Coordinated Community Plan for Spokane was developed through regular meetings with Core Team partners, including youth and young adults (YYA) with lived homelessness experience, service providers, and stakeholders. The plan builds on the dedicated planning and advocacy work done by the community’s Youth Subcommittee, Anchor Community Initiative (ACI), and YAB over the past several years. This document represents the work of stakeholders from across the community — from YYA with lived experience, government, child welfare, education, workforce development, business, justice, affordable housing, advocacy, and community organizations.
Spokane City/County Regional YHDP Governance
The Spokane City/County. Regional YHDP Governance chart is found on page 15 of the CCP for Spokane.
Continuum of Care (CoC) Board
The CoC Board is the governing body for the Spokane City/County Continuum of Care and meets all requirements for HUD. The CoC provides oversight and accountability for all CoC activities (which include YHDP).
CoC Funding and RFP Committee
This Committee oversees the process for CoC funds, evaluates proposals, and provides funding recommendations to the CoC Board for all City of Spokane funding for homeless housing and services.
Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
Lead; Voting Members, Decision-makers
The YAB reviews and approves all proposals to change CoC policies and procedures related to the CoC services for YYA before final approval by the CoC Board. The YAB also generates proposals. An elected member of the YAB also serves on the CoC Funding and RFP Committee.
YHDP Core Team
The YHDP Core team writes the Coordinated Community Plan (CCP). This Team leads the Request for Proposals (RFP) process, coordinates the implementation, and manages the day-to-day work of the YHDP.
Homeless Youth Sub-Committee
Lead; Voting Members, Decision-makers
This Sub-Committee co-creates, monitors, and assesses a comprehensive and appropriate menu of services for YYA experiencing homelessness and housing instability. All members of the YAB and any other young people with lived experience are encouraged to participate in this Sub-Committee.
Yes-2-Yes Committee
This Committee is made up of front-line staff and program managers serving YYA who are actively experiencing homelessness. This team collaborates. Directly with the ACI Core Team on creating and implementing solutions and resources for YYA homelessness within our region.
Anchor Community Initiative (ACI) Core Team
Advise; Voting Members, Decision-makers
This team provides strategic and intensive support in the Spokane Region to inform, grow, and sustain change efforts to prevent and end YYA homelessness. They work with the Washington Office of Homeless Youth to build a system that is data-informed, performance-based, equity-driven, and centers YYA households and individuals.
City of Spokane
The City of Spokane facilitates a collaborative applicant and Housing Management Information System (HMIS) Admin for WA-502 CoC, provides administrative and data support, and helps to generate the “political will” to support the YHDP.
Project Priorities
To develop the project priorities to be funded with YHDP grant money, stakeholders, YYA, and YHDP Core Team completed an intentional process to identify gaps in the youth homeless response system and overall coordinate community response to youth homelessness.
These project priorities were identified:
Develop youth specific coordinated entry system
Host Homes Program
Transitional Housing/ Rapid Rehousing
Street Outreach, Diversion, Housing Navigation